Star trek online sphere of influence mission
Star trek online sphere of influence mission

Every time you need this Endeavor, just transwarp to this episode step and get into fights immediately. Destroy Tholians => Crystaline Entity TFO, Archer System Patrol (Narendra Sector) Alternately, do the episode “Sunrise” until you get to the “Dangerous Webs” step, and leave it uncompleted.An alternative is do the Contested Zone when the final stage triggers you can potentially tag up to all 4 Voth Dreads at the end.

star trek online sphere of influence mission

  • Destroy Dreadnaughts => Hive Space, Draanur Gauntlet, 3 Planet Killers in the Voth Zone (Undine Battlezone) So, in my experience the 3 Planet Killers actually do not count as Dreads.
  • This is evidently going to be fixed soon. Note that currently there is a bug that only Baltim raiders count as ‘Herald ships’ the larger ships do not.
  • Destroy Herald Ships => Episode “Midnight” This.
  • Destroy Borg Ships => Infected Space Advanced 🙂.
  • Destroy Hur’q Frigates => Episode “Home” Just do the opening battle until you get the required number of kills.
  • Destroy Undine Ships in the Dyson Battlezone => Dyson Undine Space Battlezone.
  • Destroy Undine Ships => Dyson Undine Space Battlezone or Undine Assault or Episode Surface Tension.
  • Destroy Tzenkethi Ship in Gon’Cra Battlezone => Tzenkethi Battlezone, Gon’Cra Sector (Alpha Quadrant top left corner).
  • Destroy Tzenkethi Ships => Tzenkethi Battlezone, Gravity Kills, Episodes.
  • Destroy Voth Ships => Visit the second Zone in the Solanae Dyson Zone 😉 In other words, the Contested Zone.
  • Destroy Terran Empire Ships in Battlezone => Badlands Battlezone (Cardassia Sector, left from DS9).
  • Destroy Terran Empire Ships => Badlands Battlezone, Counterpoint.
  • Just stay in front of the D’D and wait for it to fire plasma torpedoes, and shoot them down until you’re done. I prefer to do Acamar system patrol for this kill the Mogai so that you only face the one D’Deridex. The Point Defense Console could be very helpful for this Endeavor. Other Possibilitys: Carraya System, Undine Assault Planetkiller at the end and Crystaline Catastrophe.
  • Destroy Targetable Torpedos => Open a PvP match with a friend and let him shoot targetable torpedos like the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo from Romulan Rep at you.
  • star trek online sphere of influence mission

    Deal Tetryon Damage => Nukara T5/T6 Active Ability, Slot a few Tetryon Weapons, use Pets with Tetryon Damage (Tholian Mesh Weaver, Tholian Widow Fighter).Deal Polaron Damage => Slot a few Polaron Weapons, Vanguard Wingmen.Deal Plasma Damage => Use Plasma Weapons, Pets (Scorpion Fighters).Deal Physical Damage => Destabilized Resonance Beam (Epsiode Reward), Temporal Boff Abilities, Note that the game UI claims Gravity Well does physical damage - it’s LYING.Deal Phaser Damage => Slot Phaser Weapons (Prolonged Weapon as example), use Pets with Phaser Damage (Perigrine Fighters), use Fleet support if you’re a Fed.Deal Kinetic Damage => Shoot something with torpedos, Gravity Well and other Sci abilities and/or use your Fleet Support or Pets 😉.Deal Disruptor Damage => Use Disruptor Weapons, Pet (To’Duj, Stinger Fighter).Deal Antiproton Damage => Slot Antiproton Weapons, use Pets with Antiproton Damage (Swarmer.).In addition, I am also highlighting in GREEN my preferred activity for each Personal Endeavor.Īlso note that with the planned shutdown of the Foundry, some of the Endeavor-farming Foundry missions will not be available anymore, so I’ve crossed those out.

    star trek online sphere of influence mission star trek online sphere of influence mission

    I’m going to copy and paste their current list here, but I am also adding my commentaries based on my experience with the system, highlighted in RED. A lot of previously dead places are quite active now, and I attribute it all to the Personal Endeavor system.ĭPS League put up a current guide for completing Personal Endeavors, which can reduce your frustrations quite a bit. Overall though, it does succeed in its primary goal: getting players to do different activities that they normally wouldn’t touch. Most of the endeavors aren’t particularly onerous, but a few can be a solid pain in the ass to complete. The new Personal Endeavor system has been out for several weeks now, which as expected, is essentially the same version they put on Tribble.

    Star trek online sphere of influence mission